Sorry there has been a lack of posts lately, we have been pretty busy with one thing or another, poor little Lily has had a cold, I had my birthday and with working and a few other projects on the go there hasn't been a lot of time to post. And to think when I started out doing my blog I was going to try and post every day! Anyway with a bit of spare time up my sleeve I thought I would post about a few things that have been happening lately and a few things I have found in my travels.
First up my birthday - it was a great day and I was very spoilt and I thought I would share a couple of cute things that I was given.......

I was given the bird on a swing necklace - thanks to Lee at Pretty Birds for making it for me and thanks to my friend Jemma for giving it to me for my birthday x
The cupcake is actually a chocolate given to me by my friend Jenna and they were not only delicious ( there was more than one, so naughty) but oh so cute!
I got lots of other practical goodies too while they aren't cute they definately make life that little bit easier.
I was also spoilt with flowers which I never get any other time of the year (hint hint Mr R) I ended up with 3 bunches which was nice, there is nothing quite like bunches of fresh flowers to make you smile.....