Rebecca from Keeping it Kawaii is excited about fun lunches so it wasn't hard to convince her to be part of the Fun Lunch Series. I asked Rebecca a few questions about her fun lunch tips and how to make it exciting.........
What is your favourite accessory that you sell that would make a great go to item for making fun lunches?
My favourite accessory for making fun lunches would be our Bear Sandwich Cutter. I love how it seals the sandwich and the filling all stays in the middle! Cute for boys or girls and toddlers seem to especially like it encouraging them to eat a healthily filled sandwich!
Do you have any fun lunch tips yourself? Hmmm, fun lunch tips...... My boys love fruit so we always have lots of fruit in their lunches. I use sandwich cutters to make things a little different and exciting for them and they also love a boiled egg using one of our egg molds (fave being the car!)
Why did you decide to be a part of the Fun Lunch Series? I love to make my boys lunches different every day so they have some surprises in their lunch boxes.
And with loads of cute fun lunch accessories online at Keeping it Kawaii we can see how exciting their lunchboxes must be! I'm in love with the Strawberry Bento Boxes *sigh*

Becky had this BIG idea swimming around in her head for a couple of months. There were so many gorgeous and talented and amazing businesses out there and Becky loved the whole concept of new business ideas and getting alongside business owners to promote and encourage their ideas. So Liked. by Becky was born. Make sure you head on over to the blog and check it out!