In Part 1 and Part 2 we looked at
Hamming up Sandwiches and
Fun with Fruit. In Part 3 we are going to look at Putting it all together to make an all round Fun Lunch.
There are a variety of ways to do this - start by hamming up a sandwich, making some fun fruit and then adding a few other things to make it an all round Fun Lunch. These 'few other' things can be crackers, biscuits or fruit gummies themed to your kids fave character. Egg molds are another way to get some wow factor into your kids lunchboxes.
These Bento boxes, Muffin Tin Meals, Food face plates and Making a scene ideas will inspire you and the kids to have fun. It doesn't have to happen everyday, these ideas are a great go to guide when you need a little inspiration!
What is “bento”? I hear you ask. A bento lunch is a compact, balanced, visually appealing meal packed in a box. In Japanese, “bento” or “obento” refers to the packed meal, and “bento-bako” refers to the bento box itself. See the
Wikipedia entry on bento for more details.
Muffin Tin meals are another great way to mix it up for kids
. It’s something a little different, breaking up the usual meal-making routine. It encourages the meal-maker (that’s you!) to offer a variety of foods, in small portions, which is a technique that generally appeals to children. You can tailor your Muffin Tin Meal to a theme, fave story or different types of muffin tins.
Or if a muffin tin is too big how about an ice cube tray??
Making faces with food is an oldie but a goody and with the addition of the food face plate the creative process becomes even more fun with Mr and Ms Food Face.
However if you want the kids imagination to run crazy wild here is some inspiration on other types of food faces from pizza to pancake faces.
Making a scene with food is another creative way for kids to make lunches their own and we all know when you make something yourself you have to eat it - right?

Thanks to Not Socks Gifts I have a Ms Food Face plate and from Remember When I Used To Be A Rascal I have a Car Egg mold to give away!
Giveaway Details :
- to enter, leave a comment about your favourite fun lunch idea from the Putting Fun Lunches Together Pinterest board. You can leave your comment either here or on the Facebook page. My fave is the April Showers Bring May Flowers Muffin Tin Meal - see if you can find it.
- one comment per person
- you must live in New Zealand
- giveaway closes on Friday 13th September.
Good to know:
- if you like our Fun Lunch sponsors on Facebook you can stay up-to-date on all their goings-on and know about any deals or promotions that pop up, including giveaways. Check them out up there on the sidebar-
- if you like justalittlebitcute and our sponsors on Facebook you will be the coolest kid in town. Or something like that.
- these things will not earn you a second entry, but it will make me and my sponsors appreciate the love
- you can get discount at Yayah Design on Sandwich bags using the coupon code "FunLunch" during the Fun Lunch Series
-you can also get discount from bubbalooz (discount is 15% off on purchases over $25) during the Fun Lunch series.
- make sure there is some way for me to contact you! Leave an email, or have your name clickable to a profile or something. If there is no way for me to reach you then I'll have to draw another entry!! This has happened previously, so I wouldn't like to do this and disappoint someone!