My Inspiration Monday is a series of blog posts about fellow bloggers, crafters and small business owners who all in their own special way exude cuteness! This series is about where their inspiration comes from and why they do what they do.
Introducing ...........

If you are looking for something a little special and a little bit cute (of course) for your littlies this Xmas then check out these cuties from boozle & popcorn. I had a wee chat with Megan who is the force behind boozle & popcorn, about what inspires her, and how that cute name came about.
Boozle and popcorn has been a work and progress for a good few years, lots of ideas and sketches and looking at fabrics but not a lot of time to create. After purchasing my first sewing machine about 18 months ago, and my little ones in a pretty good afternoon sleep routine, I decided to get cracking and put some of these ideas to the test. I began with making creations for friends and family with little ones. With their encouragement and comments ‘how cute, gorgeous and different’ my creations were, I thought why not give it a go making some to sell. So I guess it was inspiration from my little ones who helped me with my ideas and the things I wanted to create as well as family and friend who supported me and still do.
Where did the name come from?
boozle and popcorn are my kiddies nicknames. Austin is boozle and Poppy is popcorn. It just stuck and I love that I can use a name that is unique and related to my children.
How long has b&p been running?
Officially just over a year. I launched b&p on facebook September 2012 and launched my website about 4 months ago.

The best thing / favourite thing about what I do?
I love what
I do…I find sewing / creating therapeutic to be honest. I love that I can do it
all in my own time and my own pace. It keeps me sane (most of the time) but I
love that I have something that is truly mine and I love that there are others
out there that love what I create too. boozle and popcorn is my other baby (so to speak) I have watched it start and grow into something bigger than what it was. So watch this space…
Head to the boozle & popcorn website and tell me in the comments below what your fave cutie is (it's pretty tough, there are so many!)
For an extra entry head to the boozle & popcorn facebook page, roam around, and click like while you are there.
- one comment per person
- you must live in New Zealand
- giveaway closes on Sunday 1st December
- make sure there is some way for me to contact you! Leave an email, or have your name clickable to a profile or something. If there is no way for me to reach you then I'll have to draw another entry!! This has happened previously, so I wouldn't like to do this and disappoint someone!
To contact Megan you can email her at :