If you feel like your 'fabric stash' could be on an episode of Hoarders then these Fabric Storage Ideas are for you. I have a thing about organising my
mess craft supplies at the moment, as I'm in the process of organising space to create (this will be a post later on, no doubt) so while I was searching for inspiration I came across these great ideas to store fabric. And seeing as it's Fabric Week around here (see
My Inspiration Monday - Fabric Fixation,
Tutes Cute Tuesday - 18 Fun with Fabric Tutorials and
Thrifty Thursday - 24 Upcycled Fabric Scrap Projects) it was only appropriate to show you how to store fabric using some upcycling ideas to make it look pretty at the same time.
Happy Organising xx
carriefisher07 19p · 553 weeks ago
rachiej 28p · 553 weeks ago